

If you would like to share news, achievements or photos from a special occasion, we would love to see them. It may be a birthday or other family occasion, the birth of someone new in the family, a pet, performing, moving house, getting a job or award. Anything you are proud or want to celebrate you can post here.

Send us your celebrations

Charlie’s Graduation

Charlie’s Graduation

Charlie celebrated his graduation at the end of July after three very happy and rewarding years at National Star college. He also received high commendation for developing his independence skills. After a good summer break, Charlie is now starting a new life in...

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Work Experience for Jake

Work Experience for Jake

Jake is 17 and in sixth form. He is beginning his preparation for leaving school and becoming a more indepdenent adult and has been enjoying work experience at our village shop. Each week Jake helps out with a range of tasks and responsibilities including unloading...

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